You clicked on this page because you suffer from a broken heart and are stuck in pain, anxiety, and hurt.  What you really want is to experience love, and happiness again and to unleash the true potential within for an abundant and successful life. 

If so, you’re not alone. Many business people have experienced the pain of a broken heart and have felt like they’ve lost their way. But the good news is that you can unlock your true potential and find success in life and love. I have helped thousands of people with my compassionate care, to change their current reality into the happiness they want to live. This is easier than you might think. It is just a matter of changing perspectives and be willing to make the change. 

I did the most incredible healing workshop with Jane. I didn’t feel like I needed healing, but boy – it did transform my life. I could feel my body open up. Since I attended her healing workshops my business started to grow, and more clients signed up for my acting program. The transformation I experienced was deep, and visceral and made me open up to even more miracles and abundance in life. My relationship with my boyfriend improved a lot, I feel so much more love and compassion inside of me. Love it! I highly recommend her work! Jane is a true healer – super intuitive, generous and she possesses a warm, enthusiastic soul you can easily trust.

Eva Dorrepaal, The Avant Garde Acting Studio, New York

Since you are stuck I am going to get you out of your way and unlock that next level and get you started in creating a loving and happy way by using a simple mindset shift.

Don’t worry about the HOW.

I know how to make it easier for you to return to yourself. 
The only thing needed is your commitment. 
You will be supported to work profoundly and in an easy way to recover from the pain. You will discover that the pain is not yours at all, which will allow you to let go.
My program is designed to help you identify the areas of your life that need improvement, and then provide you with the tools and resources to make those improvements. I’ll help you develop a plan tailored to your individual needs and goals to get back on track. And of course, provide you with the support and resources you need to succeed. I understand that it can be difficult to make changes, but I’m here to help YOU.

The benefits of this program:

·  Your true potential opens up
·        You discover the real YOU behind these events.
·        You connect deeply with who you truly are & take care of this YOU.
·        You become anchored in Self Love, Self Acceptance, Self Recognition
·        You feel fulfilled by YOU and never beg for love, approval, or recognition from others 
·        You become resilient in the face of adversity and  experience more inner peace and sleep like a baby
·        You can eat healthily and be vital and energetic
·        By becoming mindful of Yourself your focus, and your concentration  on your business
·        Your productivity increases
·        You now open up more easily for letting love in again
·        You feel more safe and secure in relationships again
·        You foster more meaningful connections with others
·        You are Happy and feel the inner joy
·        You live your life as a LEADER on your terms

Duration of the program

Within 30 days you will make the change you want to make in the online sessions of each 2,5 hours 

Starting April 8th till April 29th. 

In the first two weeks, you will get 2 sessions a week. In the 3rd and 4th each one.


The schedule:

Saturday, April 8th, Tuesday, April 11th, Saturday, April 15th, Tuesday April 18th, and Saturdays: 22nd and 29th.
Time: 7.30 am Hawaii, 10.30 am LA, 7.30 pm CEST


The topics in the program

Unchaining you from the roots that cause your heartbreak, you will be surprised to discover where it comes from

Re-connecting you with your body so your body becomes your first home where you feel safe and connected with yourself

Honoring your true value as a woman/a man

Releasing your sensuality from blocks of shame, guilt, and judgment

Unlocking your true potential and applying it in your life

Becoming independent in your relationships


The experience

You will experience many profound healings on each topic, work with practical tools and assignments to get insights and raise your awareness.  In these assignments in which quantum jumps are included you will travel back and forth in time to change your reality.

In the profound assignments, you will also visit the Paradise of Hawaii where the Aloha Spirits of Hawaii await you to provide healing and care.

These are truly powerful healings where you will release a lot of your sorrow and pain.  Channeled meditations and messages are included.  Sometimes one of the guides of the attendees speaks directly to them.

Using me as their translator/messenger. 


The fee for this program:

The fee is only € 497,-

Early birth offer till April 4th:€ 397,-


1. a follow-up private session of 30 minutes (Value € 147,-) if you make the payment at once.

2. You will get a short guided meditation for daily use to heal even deeper. You can use it on your phone.

3: The replay will be available for 48 hours. Listening to the replay gives more insights and healing.

Payment installments:
Are possible in 3 for each € 175,-


Via Paypal:

Please make sure not to use Venmo for the payment as Venmo is only available in the US.
In case you experience difficulties using PayPal, or if you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to send us your message at